Kiran was a bright and ambitious child. Once the puberty hit, Kiran started losing focus in college and started failing every class. Kiran then complained, changed major, joined a crash course, tried many computer courses and then eventually dropped out of everything.
Kiran’s parents were extremely disappointed and worried. They were not financially very sound. They wanted Kiran to do well in life.
Now as the news spread, neighbors and relatives started whispering. But few came in support too. Some offered great advise and some got great job references. Kiran would work for few months and then discontinued. This continued for years. But Kiran’s parents and well wishers gave all the support and made sure Kiran had a well paying job before they discussed marriage. Finally, at the age of 35, Kiran got married.
I am sure you imagined Kiran was a man. If Kiran was a girl, would she get the same amount of support? Why do we still treat our girls differently?
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